We’re here to answer any questions you may have. If you still need support or have any further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the Contact page.
How it works FAQs
What makes TooMrkt's packages different from hiring in-house or freelance professionals?
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TooMrkt's packages offer the expertise and reliability of an in-house team combined with the flexibility and scalability of freelance support. Our structured process, dedicated support, and integrated platform provide a seamless experience without the overhead costs and management complexities of traditional hiring.
How do I submit task requests? Is there any guidance?
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You can submit tasks directly through Trello. Simply create a new task, describe your requirements, and attach any necessary files. We provide guidance and templates within Trello to help you structure your requests effectively.
How are sequential tasks handled, and what is the typical turnaround time?
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Sequential tasks are queued and addressed based on priority and complexity. The typical turnaround time varies by task but is clearly communicated upfront. Our team works efficiently to ensure timely delivery while maintaining high-quality standards.
Are there any limits to the number of tasks I can submit?
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While there is no strict limit on the number of tasks, tasks are completed one-by-one in a queue format. The unlimited tasks feature is designed to offer flexibility within the scope of your package.
How does the unlimited tasks feature work within my chosen package?
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The unlimited tasks feature allows you to submit as many tasks as you need, as long as they align with the services included in your package. Tasks are addressed sequentially unless prioritised for urgent attention.
How does TooMrkt ensure quality and consistency across all tasks and projects?
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We have stringent quality control processes in place, including regular reviews, feedback loops, and adherence to best practices. Our team is trained to maintain high standards, ensuring consistency and quality in every task.
How do I track the progress of my tasks within Trello?
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You can easily track your task progress in Trello, where updates, comments, and any changes are logged. This provides transparency and keeps you informed at every stage.
Can I communicate directly with the team working on my tasks via Trello?
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Yes, Trello allows for direct communication with our team. You can ask questions, provide additional information, and interact with team members working on your tasks.
Can I provide feedback or request revisions for completed tasks?
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Absolutely. We welcome your feedback and offer revisions to ensure the final deliverables meet your expectations and align with your objectives.
 What happens if I'm not satisfied with a task outcome?
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If you're not satisfied, we will work with you to understand your concerns and make the necessary adjustments or revisions until you are happy with the result.
What is the process for escalating issues if they arise during a task?
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If an issue arises, you can escalate it by highlighting the concern in Trello or contacting our support team. We prioritise resolving issues promptly to ensure your satisfaction.
Do I own all of the work that you produce?
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Account / Subscription FAQs
What payment methods do you accept for your subscription packages?
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We accept all major credit and debit cards through Stripe, our secure payment processor.
How does the recurring payment process work?
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Payments are automatically processed by Stripe at the beginning of each billing cycle, based on the subscription terms you've selected.
Can I upgrade or downgrade between different packages?
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Yes, you can adjust your subscription level at any time to align with your changing business needs.
 Is there a trial period for any of the packages, or can I get a demo?
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Due to the high quality nature of our work, we do not offer a trial period, you can request a demo to explore our services and platform features.
What is the cancellation policy for a TooMrkt subscription?
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You can cancel your subscription at any time. We recommend notifying us before the next billing cycle to avoid unwanted charges.
Are there any additional fees or costs outside of the subscription price?
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No, there are no hidden fees. The subscription price covers all the services included in your selected package.
How do I get started with a TooMrkt subscription package?
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Simply choose your desired package, and complete the sign-up process to start utilising our services.
Are there any long-term contracts or commitments required?
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Our subscriptions are month-to-month, offering you the flexibility to adapt to your evolving business needs without long-term commitments.
Does the price include VAT or is that extra?
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We do not charge VAT on our packages currently, the price you see is the price you pay.
Do you offer a money back guarantee?
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Due to the high quality nature of our work, we do not offer a money back guarantee.
Do you sign NDA’s?
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Of course. Just let us know you would like us to sign an NDA before onboarding you. If you don’t have one as yet, we can help you construct one.