What Is On-Demand Copywriting for E-Commerce Websites?

What Is On-Demand Copywriting for E-Commerce Websites?

Most e-commerce businesses strive to do everything right. They invest in social media marketing, create an extensive email list, and even build a fully-optimised copy. However, they still fail to receive the desired results. Why? Copywriting!

If you have the best advertising strategies in place but are still unable to boost your revenue, consider the type of content your website, social media platforms, and email newsletters display.

One of the biggest success factors is the formulation of your written content. So, while most e-commerce stores ignore this aspect of the business, you can gain a massive competitive edge with copywriting.

It matters more than you think!

Don’t believe us? Keep reading to find out more information.

What Is On-Demand Copywriting?

On-demand copywriting partners offer bespoke copywriting services as soon as or whenever you need them. They create strategic content plants, conduct keyword research, curate content, publish it, and may even offer post-publish performance tracking and evaluation.

On-demand professionals differ from in-house and freelance employees because they offer numerous experts from different niches relevant to your projects. You can gain access to as many or as few copywriters as you need and pause, resume, or end your partnership with them at any point in time.

These individuals are proficient in writing copies for various mediums and in various formats. Their content effectively delivers the value offers of your products, services, or concepts to the relevant target audience.

Writing content is easy, but writing content that drives desired actions, such as subscribing to a mailing list, attending an event, or purchasing a service or product, is extremely difficult.

This is where an expert on-demand copywriting can come in and help you.

Why Do Businesses Invest In Copywriting?

Most well-established businesses know the importance of copywriting in marketing and advertising. They hire on-demand copywriters to motivate and inspire their audience to take specific desired actions through persuasion.

Don’t mistake copywriting for content writing though.

Content writers are solely responsible for producing longer formats of well-written materials, such as publications or blogs. Copies can be found on the radio, television, online, in print, and almost everywhere else.

Businesses invest in copywriting to create unique copies and craft creative words in a way that will move their target audiences to do something they want. Moreover, copy is also used to connect with the audience and be more relatable to them.

Is Copywriting Important for E-Commerce Stores?

Most e-commerce stores make the mistake of undermining the importance of copywriting. They don’t feel the need to hire a copywriter. They take over the responsibility of writing copies themselves.

The result? They end up spewing some words and keyword stuffing, which, by the way, is a big NO-NO in SEO copywriting. 

So, if you’re trying to determine whether partnering with an on-demand copywriter will be good for your e-commerce store, the following benefits might help.

It Helps You Connect

At the core of copywriting, the primary purpose is to connect with your audience, which helps build trust, confidence, and loyalty. If your messages are powerful enough, your target audience will willingly sign up for the lifestyle you’re selling.

We all want to improve our lives and perform better in all aspects. If your message can portray this lifestyle for your audience, they’ll likely become loyal customers and even unpaid brand ambassadors for your e-commerce store.

Some examples of powerful messaging include Nike’s “Just do it” and Apple’s “Anything you can do, you can do better.” These messages were based on the audience’s deepest desires and drive, and understanding these factors turned these slogans into effective and relatable copywriting.

Good Copy Boosts Sales

Think of your online store as your salesperson. If your salesperson is not speaking in the right tone, verbiage, and style to make themselves relatable to the customers, they’ll likely lose that customer to a competing store in the next block.

The same goes for copywriting. If you’re unable to catch your audience’s attention, entice them enough to stay on your page, and persuade them to take the desired action, you’ll likely lose them to the next best online store they can find.

Not to mention, unlike a typical brick-and-mortar, finding another online store is not that difficult and doesn’t require the audience to do much or even invest more. So, it’s relatively easier for them to leave your website and go to another seller.

A good copywriter will invest in learning and studying your audience members, create personas to target different people, and put themselves in their shoes to better understand their pain points. Here’s what effective copywriters do:

  • Evaluate the desired outcomes and benefits your target audience is searching for
  • The fears and worries that demotivate them from taking the desired action or making a purchase
  • The frustrations and challenges they face that compelled them to look for solutions

It Offers Information

Copywriting isn’t just presenting vague stories and anecdotes. It’s about presenting important information that your customers are likely looking for. Your audience should easily be able to find all the information they need, whether it’s details on your products, your company history, shipping & payment methods, or general FAQs.

In today’s digital world, people tend to lean towards brands that offer sufficient information and quench their thirst for details that lead to them making informed decisions. So, if you present complete and accurate information that makes their shopping experience more convenient, there’d be no reason for them to leave your website without taking action.

Copywriters ensure this accuracy and completeness and your audience isn’t left confused and hesitant after reading the content on your website. Moreover, they strive to build confidence and trust with their audience members, which results in more conversions.

Your Brand Has a Voice

Copywriting enables e-commerce stores to define their brands. These brands have their unique voice, personality, and name. Your brand voice is what sets you apart from your competition and establishes you as a unique seller in the market.

Moreover, effective copywriting techniques push to humanise your business, which helps your customers connect with and relate to your brand on a much more personal level.

The more you tailor this brand voice to attract your target audience, hit their pain points, and offer the solutions they want, the more you’ll be able to persuade them to take the desired actions.

Copywriting services include everything from research and planning to writing and testing.

What Can an On-Demand Copywriter Do for Me?

There are several different types of copywriting, which include:

  • SEO copywriting
  • Website copywriting
  • Direct response copywriting
  • Ad copywriting
  • Sales copywriting
  • Creative copywriting
  • Social media copywriting
  • Email newsletter copywriting
  • Web copywriting
  • Video copywriting/scriptwriting
  • Content marketing
  • And more!

You can hire professionals adept at each copywriting type based on your specific requirements and budget. However, partnering with an on-demand team for your copywriting needs will give you access to all these expertise and skills in a single package, which typically costs less than the monthly average of in-house or freelance employees.

Here are some of the responsibilities a good copywriter can take off your hands:

  • Research & analysis: Copywriters conduct thorough research and analyse various data sets to create resonant, accurate, and informed copies.
  • Adaptability: They’re able to write for various platforms, formats, and industries, and adjust their style and tone accordingly.
  • Persuasive storytelling: They use persuasion and storytelling tactics to motivate the audience to take the desired action.
  • Target audience research: They strive to analyse and understand the target audience to empathise with them and tailor their content to their desires and needs.
  • Strongly content: Copywriters are adept at writing engaging, concise, and clear copies with proper punctuation and grammar.

Using these skills, among many others, good copywriters can help create content for numerous assets, including case studies, billboards, posters, emails, social media posts, ads, blogs, and web pages.

9 Signs Your E-Commerce Store Has Excellent Copy

Wondering whether your e-commerce store presents good copies on various platforms and formats? The following are some telltale signs of good copywriting.

1. It Focuses on Real Reviews

Your copy should emanate from all the reviews on different platforms. Use them to determine your audience’s preferences and needs and emphasise the usage, benefits, and features they especially liked about your or similar products.

You can also review negative comments to clarify any misconceptions or offer solutions to your audience. This approach is entirely data-driven and tailored for your target audience. Therefore, it helps create copy that persuades, engages, and resonates.

2. Has a Clear CTA

A call-to-action (CTA) creates a sense of urgency and encourages readers to take immediate action. It effectively helps the audience understand the next steps they need to take and is therefore a vital marketing tool.

Your customer may be interested in your products or services but, without a CTA, they may not know what to do next in order to purchase them.

3. Utilises the AIDA Model

Although not entirely necessary, the AIDA model is a great way to determine your copy’s effectiveness. Here’s what it means:

  • Attention: Grab your reader’s attention with a provocative question or a bold statement.
  • Interest: Engage your readers with interesting statements or facts.
  • Desire: Build desire by creating an emotional connection and highlighting the benefits.
  • Action: Tell the reader exactly what to do with a clear, concise call-to-action (CTA).

4. Incorporates Active Voice

Active voice has proven to be more engaging and persuasive. It also creates a sense of urgency in your messages. As long as the majority of your content is focused on active voice, you’ll present a more dynamic and engaging picture for your customers.

5. Uses Persuasion 

If your copy features compelling persuasive and storytelling techniques, including authority, scarcity, and social proof, you’re likely effectively persuading them to take the desired action and build trust with your brand. Make sure your product pages are not focused on product features. They should highlight the products’ benefits for your customers.

6. Is Simple & Clear

Make sure your copy avoids unnecessary complexity and jargon and uses concise, clear language. Your target audience should be easily able to understand your message. Making your content easy to digest and understand will make it memorable and encourage users to engage with it.

7. Focuses on the Customers

Your copy should put the requirements and wants of your target audience front and centre. It should present your services or products as the best solution to their problems by addressing their motivations, desires, and pain points.

8. Presents a Strong Headline

Your customers will likely decide whether they want to browse your store or look for another one in the first few seconds. Therefore, your headlines are one of the key components of your copies.

Ensure your copy features strong, attention-grabbing headlines that capture your audience’s attention. In addition to being appealing, your headlines should also be relevant and clear. 

9. Is Based on Tests & Iteration

You can’t simply write your copy, publish and forget about it, and hope it works. Effective copywriting requires continuous testing and refining processes. 

In the initial phases of your copywriting journey and e-commerce store setup, you’ll need to experiment with various persuasion techniques, content structures, and headlines to determine what works best and resonates with the target audience. Use the feedback and data to optimise and edit your copy.

On-demand copywriting has many benefits, especially for startup e-commerce stores. Don’t believe us? Keep reading to find out what they are!

Benefits of Hiring an On-Demand Copywriter

As a new business owner, you may not be an expert in copywriting or even have the time to take on this responsibility. Copywriting requires a specific set of knowledge, experience, expertise, and skills to accomplish your goals and reach customers at the right time and place.

Your e-commerce store’s success significantly depends on the sale of your products or services. An effective on-demand copywriter can help you achieve this by striving to increase conversion rates and encouraging audiences to take action.

Here are some other common benefits of hiring on-demand copywriters for your e-commerce business:

1. They can help you enhance customer experience

2. Copywriting will help you stand out in the competitive market

3. They’re adept at promoting businesses to the relevant target audience

4. They’ll help you communicate with your audience and achieve your goals

5. Copywriting offers a better strategic direction

6. You’ll have extra time on your hands to focus on your core business operations

7. They can help you better understand your target audience

8. Good copywriters know how to avoid hyperbole and jargon

9. They listen to your customers’ needs and demands for persuasive content

10. They can help you create qualified leads for your store

11. Copywriting can find connections and build a greater brand perception

6 Questions To Help You Choose the Right Copywriter

Finding the right copywriter for your e-commerce business can be hectic and time-consuming. We therefore suggest you collaborate with an on-demand team that provides you with the best experts at the click of a button.

However, if you still want to vet copywriters yourself, here are 6 crucial questions to ask them before making your pick.

1. Are You Familiar With Google Results Analysis & Keyword Research?

Not all good copywriters may be adept at keyword research and Google research analysis. Moreover, those who may be able to offer you in-depth research and analysis may not be well-versed in the actual writing part of copywriting.

After shortlisting candidates based on their writing abilities and samples, you must ask them technical questions related to keyword research and analysis. This will help them pick copywriters who can assess your current content and determine which elements need refreshing and refinement.

2. What’s Your Favourite Service or Product Category To Write For?

If your potential copywriter’s favourite industry or category doesn’t match your e-commerce store, that doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t perform well. This question will help the candidates highlight their experience and their excitement for new learning opportunities.

If your candidates show signs that they prefer a challenge over working in an industry they’re already experienced in, this could be a good sign.

3. Which Style of Copy Do You Prefer?

Ask your candidates which style of copy they prefer. Some may lean more towards a more technical approach, while others may favour the creative storytelling angle. Their answers will help you shortlist candidates based on which style you’ll likely feature in your store.

4. Do You Have Any Writing Samples?

If your candidates already have some writing samples and live work on the internet to share with you, it’ll save you the time and hassle of creating, reviewing, and shortlisting assessments and results.

You can also ask additional questions that may arise during your review of their samples. Ask them about things like their copywriting success factors and results evaluation.

5. Do You Have a Research Process?

Your copywriter should be able to find out the unique value proposition (UVP) to highlight your products or services to your customers effectively. They should have a well-established research process to dig deep into the company instead of relying solely on the brief.

6. Do You Have Any Relevant Industry Experience?

Ask your potential copywriter if they have any relevant experience in the e-commerce industry, specifically in the niche that you’re working in. If their answer is positive, you can then ask them for details regarding the companies they’ve worked for and their responsibilities. 

Alternatively, those with no experience can be asked whether they’re up for the challenge or consider their lack of experience a problem.

Gain Access to Expert Copywriters Within Seconds

On-demand e-commerce partners such as TooMrkt let you submit content requests within just a few seconds. Their services are extremely easy to subscribe to, pause, or even cancel. You’ll likely be matched with a writer within 1 business day, who will then start working on your project immediately. Most on-demand copywriters also offer free revisions to ensure you’re 100% satisfied with their work.

Your Gateway to the Best On-Demand Copywriting Experts

Forget about hiring in-house or freelance employees. On-demand copywriters can offer you the best of both worlds. They offer you:

  • Easier, more streamlined communication
  • Exclusivity
  • Immediate availability
  • Deep brand comprehension
  • Easy management of tasks and projects
  • Diver expertise
  • Greater flexibility
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Access to a wider talent pool

With all the benefits of in-house and freelance employees and none of the drawbacks, such as high salaries, lost control, and a smaller skill set, it’s shocking that on-demand partners charge a lower fee for their services. In fact, compared to in-house and freelance employees, on-demand partners will likely prove more economical for your e-commerce store.

So, what are you waiting for? Book our demo call & learn more about our on-demand copywriting services!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between copyediting and copywriting?

Copywriters are tasked with using the correct tone, language, and verbiage to persuade customers and get the message across concisely and clearly. They’re responsible for building a logical argument and giving shape to your content. In contrast, copyeditors are responsible for reviewing the copywriter’s content and spotting errors, discrepancies, and inaccuracies. Copyeditors are the final piece of the puzzle and are responsible for fine-tuning and editing the piece until it’s polished and ready for its intended audience.

Which copywriting skills are the most important?

Some of the most important copywriting skills include goal setting, research, copywriting models, SEO, attention to detail, user experience, target demographic, content planning, analysis, empathy, proofreading, and, of course, the thing that started it all, writing.

What is copywriting?

Copywriting is the process of creating unique, original content for a product, service, or idea promotion. It takes complicated materials and presents them in a concise, clear way to attract, engage, and persuade the target audience. The ultimate goal of this is to increase conversions and sales and maximise your revenue by building trust, reliability, and confidence with your audience.

What is on-demand copywriting?

On-demand copywriting is similar to other on-demand service providers, such as Uber, Netflix, and Airbnb. On-demand copywriters offer their expert services as soon as or when you require them. You can easily subscribe to their monthly package, pause your subscription, or cancel it when all your projects are completed. Because of their well-maintained database, you can also re-subscribe to their services and pick things up from right where you left them.