What Is an On-Demand E-Commerce Manager?

What Is an On-Demand E-Commerce Manager?

Are you in the initial phases of planning the launch of your very own e-commerce store? You might wonder whether hiring an e-commerce manager is crucial or if you can DIY that aspect of your business–like the several other tasks you’ve assigned yourself.

An on-demand e-commerce manager unlocks your access to expert knowledge and skills directly affecting sales. Partnering with them can take the relatively heftier and more complicated tasks off your plate–offering you more time to focus on your core business operations.

However, before you make your final decision, you must first understand what on-demand e-commerce managers do and how they can benefit you compared to in-house e-commerce management teams.

So, let’s set the ball rolling without further ado!

Defining On-Demand E-Commerce Management

On-demand e-commerce managers provide a plethora of e-commerce management services that would otherwise require multiple in-house hires to fulfil. Like the popular streaming app, Netflix, on-demand e-commerce management platforms offer access to expert insights and knowledge for efficient online store management as soon as you book their services.

Everything from online sales to strategic planning and execution is a part of e-commerce management. Therefore, it requires a comprehensive understanding of e-commerce trends, web design, and digital marketing–among other things.

On-demand e-commerce management caters to online stores looking to enhance customer experience and the store’s performance. Moreover, this role focuses on increasing market share and profitability in the competitive e-commerce landscape by making informed decisions with the help of data analytics.

In addition to technical knowledge, e-commerce management also requires business acumen. A blend of the two ensures that your online store is not only attracting customers but also converting their visits into continuous revenue.

What Do On-Demand E-Commerce Managers Do?

On-demand e-commerce managers handle the overall management of e-commerce stores, but their primary focus typically surrounds online sales strategies. Additionally, they ensure the website maintains market competitiveness and customer-friendliness by overseeing its development and the company’s overall web presence.

Their overall commercial acumen and technical knowledge spearhead marketing strategies and efforts and help optimise online transactions to enhance the e-commerce brand’s profitability and online presence.

Some of the core responsibilities handed over to on-demand e-commerce managers include:

  • Tracking and analysing key performance indicators (KPIs) for future strategies and evaluating the effectiveness of e-commerce activities
  • Working with logistics and supply chain teams to ensure timely order fulfilment and manage inventory levels
  • Staying abreast of technological advancements, best practices, and trends in the e-commerce industry
  • Handling all customer service tasks, including inquiries and issues
  • Ensuring compliance with privacy and data protection regulations and all online retail laws
  • Collaborating with the web development and IT teams to boost the website’s technology, security, and other features
  • Managing budgets for platform maintenance, marketing campaigns, and all other e-commerce initiatives
  • Collaborating with marketing teams to create and implement digital marketing strategies and campaigns across various relevant platforms
  • Overseeing the functionality and design of the website to ensure a user-friendly and seamless experience
  • Optimising and managing product pricing, images, descriptions, and all other elements of the online product catalogue
  • Creating and executing a coherent e-commerce strategy to maximise retention, acquisition, and sales
  • Monitoring web analytics to make data-driven decisions focused on improving customer engagement and website performance

10 Soft & Hard Skills All On-Demand E-Commerce Managers Must Possess

The following are some of the common technical and soft skills to look for when hiring an on-demand e-commerce manager for your store:

Soft Skills

1. Problem-Solving

2. Flexibility

3. Communication

4. Time Management

5. Leadership

Hard Skills

6. Design

7. Content Writing & Copywriting

8. Search Engine Optimisation

9. Digital Marketing

10. Market Research & Analysis

Types of On-Demand E-Commerce Management Services

On-demand e-commerce management services offer dynamic services catering to different aspects of the e-commerce ecosystem. Based on which e-commerce management services you opt for, they offer everything from supply chain logistics management to digital marketing strategies. 

Here are some of the types of on-demand e-commerce management services you can avail:

On-Demand Analytics & Insights E-Commerce Manager

These data-driven individuals help e-commerce stores gain actionable insights and develop efficient strategies. They use analytics tools to track key performance indicators, including customer lifetime value, average order value, and conversion rates.

They offer business optimisation and growth recommendations after interpreting complicated data sets. For example, they may provide predictive analysis, customer segmentation, or A/B testing services to help you make informed decisions and forecast market trends.

If you believe in data-driven strategies for your e-commerce store’s success, this expert will prove indispensable.

On-Demand Customer Experience E-Commerce Manager

An on-demand customer experience e-commerce manager is an expert in developing an engaging and satisfying shopping experience for e-commerce customers. By overseeing its functionality and design, they ensure that the e-commerce platform is aesthetically appealing and user-friendly.

Furthermore, they collect user data and analyse feedback to implement improvements directly impacting the website’s accessibility and usability. Customer issues and inquiry resolutions are also handled by customer experience managers who oversee customer service operations.

If your e-commerce store’s online shopping experience drives repeat business and customer loyalty, you’ll likely need this professional by your side.

On-Demand Product Management E-Commerce Manager

On-demand e-commerce product managers are responsible for the selection, presentation, and performance of the e-commerce products offered on its website. They collaborate with merchandisers and buyers to curate product assortments that deeply align with brand identity and consumer demands.

Some of their core responsibilities include:

  • Analysing sales data
  • Making informed inventory decisions
  • Optimising product pages for conversions
  • Managing product listings

If you want to offer your customers a compelling and curated product offering, this professional will help you achieve all related tasks and goals.

On-Demand Operations E-Commerce Manager

These logistical professionals ensure efficient and seamless functioning of the entire supply chain. Some of their core responsibilities include overseeing returns, shipping, order fulfilment, and inventory management.

They ensure customer satisfaction and efficiency through detailed and thorough process optimisation. Additionally, they ensure your store maintains timely deliveries and cost-effectiveness by collaborating with shipping carriers, warehouses, and vendors.

If your store’s competitive edge is highly dependent on operational excellence, you’ll likely need to avail the services of an e-commerce manager.

Hiring an on-demand e-commerce manager will likely save your resources otherwise spent on in-house or freelance professionals.

On-Demand Digital Marketing E-Commerce Manager

If you’re looking to drive online sales via strategic marketing campaigns, you’ll need to look into hiring an on-demand digital marketing e-commerce manager. These professionals possess a comprehensive understanding of the various digital marketing channels, including social media advertising, email marketing, PPC, and SEO.

Their core focus is converting web traffic into sales, attracting potential customers, and increasing brand visibility. They are adept at developing and executing marketing campaigns that resonate with the target audience–thanks to their expert market trends and consumer behaviour analysis.

Since your online store greatly depends on brand recognition and online presence for revenue, hiring an expert in this field is critical.

On-Demand International E-Commerce Manager

If you’re looking to expand your e-commerce business globally, you’ll likely need the expertise and insights of an international e-commerce manager. These professionals have extensive knowledge and expertise in localisation strategies, currency exchange, and international trade regulations.

They can help you adapt your e-commerce website to cater to your international clients' varying payment preferences, cultural nuances, and languages. In addition to overseeing international teams, they also ensure that your customer service, logistics, and marketing are aligned with each specific region.

If you want to achieve a global presence and tap into new markets, an international e-commerce manager can be of significant help.

Why Not Hire In-House or Freelance Professionals?

Hiring an in-house e-commerce manager might seem like a plausible solution to all your management concerns and issues, but it may not be the right one–especially if you’re new to the e-commerce landscape.

These professionals, despite having experience and expertise in one or a handful of the many aspects of e-commerce management, can cost you thousands of pounds. In a 2024 salaries research, Indeed found that the average per month salary of an e-commerce manager is £38,470.

Given the fact that they won’t be adept at all the various aspects of the e-commerce management landscape, spending this much for one or two management services doesn’t make sense.

On the other hand, hiring freelancers may seem like a relatively economical option, but that also comes with its own set of cons. Here are just a few examples:

  • They won’t prioritise your work over other high-paying clients
  • You may need to hire additional freelancers for other management responsibilities
  • They may further outsource your work without your knowledge
  • You have no control over their work process and priorities
  • They may only have experience and expertise in a few niches and management aspects
  • You may be required to pay a high platform fee
  • There’s little to no guarantee of satisfaction 

The 8 Key Elements of Online Store Management

Now that we have a greater understanding of on-demand e-commerce management and its benefits, it’s time to look at some of the core elements of our services that can help you greatly impact your e-commerce store’s success.

1. Utilising Analytics & Insights

Analytics are crucial for gaining insights into your brand’s market position and for effective store management. Your on-demand e-commerce manager will likely utilise tools such as Google Analytics to review your customers’:

  • Purchase patterns
  • Retention rates
  • Trends
  • Purchasing behaviour
  • And more

Such analytics and insights equip you with the knowledge of the latest trends, which helps create productive store management methods and set realistic goals.

2. Evaluate Website Safety & Security Plans

With the advent of and a significant increase in cybercrimes, such as hacking, scams, and phishing, security and safety plans have become a crucial part of e-commerce store management.

Your brand’s success highly depends on the security of your online payment methods and the safety of your website information. On-demand management service providers, like TooMrkt, take several steps to ensure your security. These include:

  • Getting an SSL certificate for the website
  • Setting up strong passwords wherever necessary
  • Choosing a secure web hosting service provider
  • Ensuring all the software and plugins are up-to-date

3. Create Seamless Payment Methods

The key to running a great e-commerce store is to ensure an easy and satisfying customer experience. One of the core areas to implement this remains the payment procedure, which includes adding products to the cart, adding all the required information, and selecting one of the available payment methods.

You can do this by:

  • Providing multiple payment options
  • Auto-saving purchasing history
  • Auto-registration after form-filling
  • Easy-to-complete checkouts

4. Handle Customer Services, Feedback, & Reviews

Your customers can make or break your e-commerce store. Therefore, their satisfaction and feedback should be your utmost priority. An on-demand e-commerce manager will help you efficiently handle, store, assess, retain, and strategically display authentic product reviews.

These reviews can significantly impact overall customer satisfaction and, consequently, sales. These elements also help build customer loyalty and improve your customer retention rates.

5. Create & Apply Marketing Strategies

Efficiently and effectively marketing your business can help generate sales, increase popularity, and create an unmatched brand identity. E-commerce management services utilise data, such as customer feedback, to create and apply digital marketing strategies and assess their results for future plans.

6. Employ Effective Copywriting Techniques

Online stores, unlike your typical brick-and-mortar stores, can’t generate sales via customer service offered by a salesperson. You need to employ effective copywriting tactics to achieve similar results for an e-commerce store.

An on-demand e-commerce manager, in addition to online store management expertise, has adequate knowledge to write copy that converts and generates sales.

7. Develop An Easy-to-Navigate & User-Friendly Interface

Developing a user-friendly website and incorporating aesthetically appealing elements into your web design is integral to sales and user retention. An on-demand e-commerce manager will help create a customer-oriented, easy-to-navigate and use, and highly responsive website.

8. Develop Your Brand Image

Brand image is how your customers view and perceive your brand and its products and services. An e-commerce manager can help you create a consistent brand image through various elements such as your logo, messaging, design colours, and font.

With on-demand e-commerce management, you receive the expertise, skills, and knowledge of several individuals at the price of one.

8 Benefits of Hiring an On-Demand E-Commerce Manager for Your Store

Compared to hiring an in-house or freelance e-commerce manager, you’ll likely enjoy greater benefits and lower risks with an on-demand e-commerce manager. The following are 8 of the many benefits you can enjoy with a simple subscription to one of our plans:

1. Access to Maintenance Services & Technical Support

With our bespoke e-commerce management services, you won’t need to hire separate professionals for your technical support and maintenance needs. We’re highly experienced in maintaining and ensuring smooth operations, which include:

  • Managing and regularly updating security patches
  • Ensuring the software is always up-to-date
  • Quick resolution for all technical issues

2. Advanced Security Measures Against Cyber Threats

Ensuring your website’s security is an on-demand manager’s utmost priority. We implement advanced security measures to ensure protection against cyber threats, such as malware and hacking.

We suggest, implement, and measure all security measures for customer and website data protection, which consequently help build confidence and trust with your audience.

3. Enhanced ROI With Marketing Tools

Our expert on-demand managers are highly experienced and knowledgeable regarding website integrations utilising tools, such as Google Analytics, social media marketing, and email marketing. We further use these tools to evaluate, integrate, and assess targeted marketing campaigns.

As a result, your campaigns reach the desired target audience and improve the website’s return on investment (ROI)

4. Improved Conversion Rates With a Streamlined Checkout

Lost sales are commonly associated with a complicated checkout process, which results in cart abandonment. An on-demand e-commerce manager can help you streamline your checkout process.

We can ensure your customers find it easy and relatively quicker to complete purchases with the help of features, such as:

  • Multiple payment options
  • One-page checkout
  • Guest checkout options

5. Inventory & Product Catalogues Management

If you’re running a relatively new e-commerce store, but plan to include a large number of products in your portfolio, managing inventory and product catalogues will likely become a daunting task.

For on-demand e-commerce managers, this task is relatively easier, and leaving this aspect of the business will leave you with plenty of time to focus on your key business operations. 

With our help, you won’t need to worry about:

  • Removing outdated products from the e-store
  • Restocking products when necessary
  • Keeping track of inventory levels

6. Higher Customer Engagement & User Experience

Customer satisfaction and engagement are crucial for online stores. However, maintaining a positive user experience can be extremely challenging, especially if you’re new to e-commerce. 

On-demand e-commerce experts can help you implement usability features, such as user-friendly interfaces and load speed optimisation, to enhance user experience. Not only this, but on-demand managers can also help you integrate further elements into your store to ensure enjoyable and seamless online shopping experiences, consequently increasing customer retention.

7. Better Visibility With Advanced SEO Strategies

On-demand e-commerce managers utilise expert SEO strategies to increase your chances of ranking higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). We utilise techniques, such as backlink building, on-page optimisation, and keyword research, to increase sales, traffic, and visibility.

8. Better Customer Acquisition & Retention via Improved Web Design

An e-commerce manager can help ensure your website design is user-friendly and visually appealing enough to retain old customers and attract new ones. To encourage a purchase, we implement strategies to build credibility and trust with your audience through state-of-the-art web design.

Additionally, we help maintain a professional, unique website that appropriately reflects the brand as well as customer needs.

E-Commerce Store Management Challenges

E-commerce store management involves a lot more than stocking and fulfilling orders. It combines various elements of supply chain, marketing, designing, customer service, and sales to create a positive shopping experience.

While you may possess the required innovative approach, there are certain customer service and operational skills that are also needed to ensure an e-commerce store’s success.

Therefore, many novice business owners feel held back and overwhelmed by the complicated nature of e-commerce store management. Consequently, they spent significant amounts of resources and time on internal issues rather than investing in business growth.

The following are some common e-commerce management challenges that you may face and that we can help you resolve:

  • Web optimisation & performance
  • Customer support issues
  • Setting up promotions & discounts
  • Presenting clear and optimised product information
  • Managing order fulfilment
  • Keeping track of inventory

Wrapping Up

E-commerce management requires plenty of time, resources, expertise, experience, and knowledge. Despite how much you’ve read up on it, it’s going to be extremely challenging to address all aspects of e-commerce management while taking care of your store’s core business operations.

Don’t let management hurdles hold you back from reaching success, expansion, and recognition. Book our demo call now and speak to one of our experts to learn how our on-demand e-commerce managers can help bring your goals to fruition. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Some E-Commerce Management Challenges?

E-commerce professionals are tasked with customer experience optimisation with ever-evolving technology and customer preferences. They not only analyse incredible amounts of data to increase sales but they also ensure to remain within the budgetary restraints.

Other ongoing challenges include the maintenance of a robust digital infrastructure, dealing with cybersecurity threats, navigating supply chain and global competition complexities, and achieving cohesive online business operations.

How Do On-Demand E-Commerce Managers Collaborate With Other Team Members?

E-commerce managers are essential for cross-functional team synchronisation. They coordinate with the customer service team to gather information and improve user experience, the logistics team to ensure shipping and inventory efficiency, the IT team to maintain web security and functionality, and the marketing team for SEO and campaign optimisation.

They ensure a customer-centric and cohesive online presence by continuously collaborating with other team members to align your business objectives with the broader e-commerce goals.

What Is On-Demand E-Commerce Management?

On-demand e-commerce allows you to choose exactly which services you want to receive and when. It offers you complete control over your e-commerce management processes, including priorities, key focuses, and project completion time, according to your needs and preferences.

What’s the Role of an E-Commerce Manager?

The role of an e-commerce manager is to create online sales while ensuring customer retention, satisfaction, safety, and order fulfilment. An e-commerce manager is responsible for your brand image, brand perception, confidence, and customer trust. They oversee various aspects of the e-commerce store, including supply chain, marketing, and security, to ensure business growth.

What Do E-Commerce Account Managers Do?

E-commerce managers are responsible for creating and implementing strategies to enhance customer service, business efficiency, and sales. Most of their job revolves around data analysis to identify opportunities and trends that could lead to performance boosts.