What Is On-Demand Web Development & How Can It Help Your E-Commerce Store?

What Is On-Demand Web Development & How Can It Help Your E-Commerce Store?

On-demand applications, such as Uber, Netflix, and Airbnb, have significantly improved our lifestyle with their easy-to-use interfaces and added customer convenience. With the recent rise in on-demand services, such as on-demand web development, the lives of new business owners are also becoming relatively easier.

Building your own e-commerce store is no joke!

It takes a lot of resources, planning, and strategic thinking just to get it up and running–not to mention the toll it takes on new entrepreneurs’ personal lives.

What if we told you there’s a better way to do things, run a successful business, and still get time off for quality time with your loved ones?

Enter on-demand web development services; a revolutionary route to creating your empire with the same ease and convenience that you get from popular on-demand platforms.

Curious to learn more? We’ve got you covered!

What Is On-Demand Web Development?

Website development or web development entails all the tasks associated with creating, building, and maintaining web applications and websites that run on an online browser. It may also include everything from web designing to web programming and database management.

The job of a web developer revolves around constructing and programming, but designing the functionality and features of websites and applications is also a significant aspect.

With on-demand web development service providers, you gain access to highly proficient web developers who offer customer-centric designs with advanced infrastructures at relatively faster turn-around rates.

These professionals have unmatched experience and expertise in diverse industries, niches, and locations. Unlike in-house developers or freelancers, you don’t have to worry about paying them a per-hour rate or a monthly salary.

On-demand web developers charge a one-time package fee, which you can resubscribe to if you want to utilise their services further or cancel the subscription when you no longer need their assistance or services.

Their services include–but are not limited to:

  • CMS web development
  • Cloud solutions
  • Open-source web integration & Customisation
  • Mobile-friendly web development
  • Web portal development
  • DevOps
  • Full stack development
  • Custom web development
  • Web designs & UI
  • All e-commerce solutions
  • Artificial intelligence & machine learning

Why Is It Important?

E-commerce web development is crucial for your business because it lays the foundations for its success. It ensures that your customers can make purchases, find products, and navigate pages seamlessly on your website.

The following are some of the many reasons you should consider partnering with economical on-demand e-commerce development partners:

Competitive Edge

Access to on-demand web developers can ensure you stand out from your competitors. They can help you build a new, updated, and high-quality website to help drive more traffic and leads to your website and, consequently, outrank your competitors.


Web development is one of the most vital elements of all SEO campaigns. Elements such as the website’s hyperlinks, URLs, coding, and page speed can significantly impact your ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

User Experience

On-demand developers can help ensure your website offers an excellent user experience, which helps boost your sales and increase conversion rates. These experts are better equipped to make flawless and smooth websites with an easy-to-navigate interface.

First Impression

Your website will likely be the first place you interact with your audience and potential customers–making it the optimal location to create a great first impression. Great on-demand web developers can help ensure visitors have a good first impression of your e-commerce store, encouraging them to stay on it longer.

4 Qualities To Look for in Your On-Demand Web Development Partners

Web development is one of the most enjoyable and exciting aspects of building an e-commerce store. Of course, how much you appreciate the process is highly dependent on who you partner with. The following are a few of the many qualities your on-demand web development partner should possess:

1. They Utilise Latest Tech

Great on-demand web development partners realise the weight of the responsibility on their shoulders. Therefore, they strive to offer the best performance utilising only the latest hardware and software. Look for partners who use the latest proven web technologies and newer versions of web development frameworks in their projects.

2. They Focus Extensively on UX

Whether it’s performance over presentation, fault-tolerant systems, level of pages, colour psychology for user interaction, or a clean UI for goal clarification, great web developers handle everything in their processes to ensure enhanced user experience.

3. They Have Niche Web Designing Experience

Most on-demand web development partners have over 5 years of experience in their respective fields. They have hands-on experience with Illustrator, Photoshop, material layout, bootstrap, jQuery, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, and more to ensure the best service delivery.

4. They Offer Excellent Tech Support & Warranties

The key element that sets apart great on-demand web development partners from the excellent ones is their quality of web support. Most teams consist of:

  • Quality analysts
  • Project managers
  • Business analysts
  • Software architects
  • DevOps engineers
  • Web app developers

All of these professionals work together to offer the best solutions, consultations, and tech support. Additionally, these teams typically offer a limited-period warranty that covers bug fixes and other functional errors.

Design is a crucial element of on-demand web development as it can significantly impact traffic, trust, sales, and loyalty.

E-Commerce Website Development Process: The 6 Essential Steps

Now that we’ve understood what on-demand web development is and why it’s essential for e-commerce stores, it’s time to dive into the process of developing your website.

The following are all the steps our on-demand web developers follow to build a website that drives traffic and revenue.

1. Laying Out the Goals and Strategies

Before designing the layout for your website, the on-demand web development team will discuss your plan with you at length. This is the time to lay out all your goals and strategies highlighting what you want your website to accomplish in the short and long term.

Your overall strategies and goals will help determine the layout and structure of your website. Therefore, it’s essential to plan them out in advance. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Your business goals
  • How you want to sell and display products
  • Your customer service goals

2. Selecting a Domain & Platform

The second step entails choosing a domain and platform for your e-commerce website. These elements should be carefully picked. For example, select a domain name that’s memorable, relative to your brand, and short.

While not entirely necessary, in most cases, it’s best to pick your company’s name as your domain name. Furthermore, you can build and develop your e-commerce store on an e-commerce platform such as Shopify. Such platforms offer unlimited customisation options and equip you to build your site from scratch.

3. Design Your Layout

After selecting an e-commerce platform and domain name, the next step is to design your website’s layout. You can begin by creating a simple outline of the web pages or a sitemap. Consider what content and pages you want to add to your website. Some examples include:

  • Customer wish lists
  • Videos
  • Checkout process
  • Customer reviews
  • Product listings

4. Code Your Website

Back-end development or web coding is one of the most essential elements of on-demand web development. It ensures your website is functioning effectively and efficiently. There are two ways to go about this: you can either use a content management system (CMS) or manually code your website.

If you’re using a CMS, most of the back-end development and coding elements will already be in place, so you won’t be required to interact with the code that much. Alternatively, coding manually requires extensive knowledge of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.

5. Design Optimisation

Front-end development or the design elements of your website are things your audience will interact with on the website. Therefore, it’s crucial to optimise your design to attract customers and increase their stay duration.

Consider integrating easy navigation, adding videos and images, and choosing relevant themes and colours. 

6. Prepare to Launch

The last step in the on-demand web development process is the actual launch of your e-commerce website. After you’ve thoroughly tested your website to verify functionality, specifically the checkout process, it’s time to launch your website, attract customers, and drive sales.

This is when you must also invest in effective marketing strategies to promote your products and website and drive revenue. Here are some vital things to consider:

  • Social media: Promoting and advertising your brand and products on social media will prove advantageous. You can create a page on the relevant social media platforms and direct your audience and followers to your website and product pages.
  • SEO: SEO is a great way to increase visibility by ensuring your website ranks higher on SERPs and outranks competitor websites. It’s best to invest in SEO right away as it typically takes a few months before providing results.
  • PPC: Pay-per-click (PPC) ads can help drive high volumes of traffic. However, we recommend investing in PPC once your business has already garnered sufficient traffic, customer trust, and brand visibility.

8 Benefits of On-Demand Web Development Services

Now that you’re familiar with on-demand web development services, it’s time to look at some of the benefits of partnering with an on-demand team for your e-commerce website.

1. A Friendly & Responsive Design

On-demand web development professionals offer ultra-responsive website themes and designs that are built with cutting-edge frameworks. This ensures that your website not only looks incredible but also works well on all high-pixel-density devices.

Building a responsive and progressive website is as good as having a native application at a fraction of the cost.

2. Affordability

Partnering with on-demand web development teams can save you big bucks since you’re only required to pay for the services you need. The prices are usually reduced compared to freelancers and in-house employees.

But don’t let the low prices fool you. This in no way means that you’ll need to sacrifice quality. More often than not, on-demand developers offer higher-quality work than their alternatives. 

3. Quality Code

While every novice web developer can write code, on-demand web development experts with extensive experience, know-how, and skills know the importance of writing optimised code. They focus on suitable deployment that enhances user experience and draws the best performance from an e-commerce website.

4. Unparalleled Experience for the End-User

You don’t want your e-commerce store’s customers to visit your website and leave due to confusion caused by complicated and time-wasting designs and dashboards. Our expert on-demand website development professionals create websites while keeping the end-user in mind.

Additionally, on-demand web developers ensure your website is clutter-free and organised to offer maximum functionality. Whether you want an easy drag-and-drop functionality or the easiest, streamlined checkout process, an on-demand web developer will be able to integrate each element into your website.

Website development doesn’t need to be costly. Give us a call to learn how we can help!

5. No Hidden Costs

With on-demand web development services, you pay for what you require and get. There are no hidden costs in the form of platform payments, taxes, or security deposits. Unlike in-house and freelance employees, our prices are predetermined and based on each service type you book.

We don’t ask for a raise. We don’t ask for commissions. We don’t ask for a platform fee. The subscription charges are all-inclusive with no future surprises to burn a hole in your pockets.

6. Insights Into Market Opportunities

As a business owner, you may not always be aware of or be on the lookout for every news item or trend that could impact your e-commerce store. Working with on-demand developers will ensure you’re better equipped to stay on top of your competition in terms of new market opportunities.

You’ll gain insights about market opportunities that would otherwise not be on your radar and remain competitive in a rapidly evolving industry.

7. Better Productivity & Scalability

On-demand web development services open the doors for you to focus on your core business operations or hire additional in-house team members for the same. Consequently, they help you increase productivity and quickly complete your projects.

In addition to productivity, on-demand partners also present opportunities to scale without causing a dent in your budgets. You can hire as many or as few on-demand professionals as you want on your team.

Doing so will help you effectively scale your projects and business without overutilising your budget or other resources. This increase and improvement in capacity doesn’t need to exhaust your team members either.

8. Access to Key Specialisations & Top Talent

Partnering with on-demand e-commerce website developers enables you to leverage specialisations that are otherwise hard to find. Utilising adequate vetting methods, you can find web developers with the unique capabilities and skill sets that you require for high-quality results and project boosts.

5 Steps for Booking On-Demand Web Development

While there are no cast-iron steps to follow when booking on-demand website development services, these are the general steps that most service providers take.

1. Planning: In the planning phase of on-demand web development, both parties need to collaborate to find technologies that best suit the e-commerce store.

2. Design: You may be asked to submit a brief or share samples or references to choose a design that closely matches your preferences and requirements.

3. Development: The development team will create a responsive, customer-centred, and robust website for your e-commerce platform.

4. Testing: The pre-launch phase entails hefty and thorough testing processes to ensure your website is completely bug-free.

5. Launch: Once the quality assurance team gives a green signal, the development team will launch the website and offer post-launch maintenance services.

Shouldn’t You Hire A Freelancer or In-House Employee?

If you’re a startup e-commerce business owner, you’ll likely benefit from partnering with an on-demand web development team instead of hiring an in-house or freelance employee. There are several reasons for this, including:

  • With on-demand website developers, you’ll have control over your teams, projects, and priorities–which will not be the case with freelance or in-house employees.
  • You’ll have access to various experts and professionals instead of individuals with specific niche expertise and experience.
  • It’s easier and relatively straightforward to partner with on-demand service providers.
  • It doesn’t involve hectic hiring processes and you don’t have to do much other than subscribe to their services.
  • Since on-demand service providers prioritise your projects, they take less time to complete them.
  • On-demand website development costs are lower than freelancers and in-house employees–who charge high service charges.

Bonus: 3 Questions To Ensure Your E-Commerce Store Drives Revenue

Building your first e-commerce store can be extremely overwhelming. You must be wondering how you’ll drive revenue from a completely new business. The following are some e-commerce web development questions to ask, which will ensure your website attracts sales and leads and drives the maximum revenue possible.

1. Did you promote your business and website utilising digital marketing strategies?

One of the key elements that can ensure the long-term success of your e-commerce store is digital marketing. Ensure you’ve developed effective digital marketing strategies, which may include:

  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Content marketing
  • PPC advertising

2. Did you integrate SEO into your e-commerce website?

SEO can significantly improve your website’s rank on SERPs, making it easier for potential customers to find your e-commerce store or the specific products they’re looking for. Here are a few of the many SEO best practices to follow:

  • Conduct keyword research & incorporate relevant keywords into your content
  • Ensure your pages load relatively quickly
  • Use descriptive URLs to ensure it’s easier for search engines to understand your pages
  • Verify your website is functional across all devices, especially mobiles

3. Did you take user experience into account?

Integrating user experience into your web development and design is crucial for converting traffic into paying customers. Your website must incorporate elements to ensure your customers can easily contact you and find the information they need.

Here are a few things to remember:

  • Your web design should attract and entice customers to click and stay on your website
  • It should integrate a simple and easy-to-follow navigation
  • Your customers should find the page they’re looking for within a few clicks
  • Your website should address the needs of your customers

Concluding Thoughts

Web development is integral to any e-commerce store’s success, growth, and expansion. Simple things, such as the aesthetic appeal of your design, can make or break your rapport in front of your audience. Therefore, we recommend you hire only the best of the best instead of experimenting with freelancers or in-house employees who offer lacklustre results and performances.

With TooMrkt, you’ll have the peace of mind required to run your e-commerce store smoothly and efficiently. Our team consists of highly experienced, trained, and certified web designers and developers who have previously worked on numerous projects.

So, if you’re looking for the best services in town coupled with high loyalty and perfect web development solutions: 

Book a demo call now to learn more about our on-demand web development services!

Frequently Asked Questions

What do on-demand web developers do?

On-demand web developers can perform numerous back-end, front-end, and full-stack web development tasks. Their diverse skills and specialities equip them to plan, develop, and launch e-commerce stores and other websites and applications utilising a variety of technologies, languages, and tools. 

What are the types of e-commerce websites?

There are various types of e-commerce websites, including:

  • Direct-to-consumer
  • Consumer-to-business
  • Consumer-to-consumer
  • Business-to-consumer
  • Business-to-business

What is an e-commerce website?

An e-commerce website is a digital storefront for an e-commerce store, which facilitates transactions between a seller and a buyer. You can utilise this virtual space to showcase your services or products and customers can come here to make selections and purchase a product or service. Think of it as the product shelf, sales staff, and cash register of your e-commerce business.